Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Planting not enough

 This week is the harvesting week for my backyard garden. There is always the same problem occurring at my backyard garden, which is not enough harvest. 

This week,  I have harvested edamame and french bean and both of the harvest are not enough. I will recommend everyone to plant more french bean and edamame as they are easy to plant. 

Both edamame and french bean plant do not need to much care and you can still get harvest from both of the plant.  Just plant lots of them. I have just directly plant more of the seeds yesterday and can't wait for them to grow and produce harvest.
I buy my seeds from this shopee seller. The seeds I bought 100% germinate. The delivery is also fast, the seller is also very kind and will mostly give some free seeds. If you guys are interested to buy the seeds, click the link below:

Edamame seeds:

Japanese baby corn:

Asparagus seed:

Japanese lady finger:

Japanese sweet potato (cuttings):

There are still lots of seeds I bought from the seller than I haven't plant. I will only share the link that I have successfully planted for now. Later I will update more new harvest in the blog and share new information of the other seeds after obtaining good result.



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