Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Animal Microbiology puzzle with answers (2020)





1.   Type cells that possess a “true” nucleus, organelles and multiplies by mitosis.

3.   The study of the form/structure of an organism.

6.   Paired structures that occur within the eukaryotic cell’s nucleus.

9.   The “ancient” bacteria whose cell walls lack murein (pepdioglycan)

10. Type cell lacking a “true” nucleus and organelles

15. Complex lipids found in the cell membranes of eukaryotic cells.

18. The _____ __ of Microbiology refers to about fifty years (1875 - 1918) of very rapid development.

19. The scientific name Streptococcus indicates the organisms _______.

20. The first word in the scientific name of an organism.

22. Francis ____ performed experiments using chunks of meat placed in jars in attempt to disprove spontaneous generation.

23. The “true” bacteria.

24. The typical or “true” bacteria are classified in the Kingdom ______.

25. Prokaryotic cells multiply by _____ _____.

26. Paul ____ introduced chemotherapy, the use of chemical compounds to treat disease.

29. The constant movement of the cytoplasm in eukaryotic cells.

34. Small structures within eukaryotic cells that perform specific functions.

35. Alexander _______ discovered the antibiotic penicillin

36. A group of organisms that has characteristics differing slightly from others in a species, but not different enough to justify a  

       different species name

39. The study of factors influencing the occurrence and spread of disease

42. The study of microscopic organisms.

45. Robert ______ introduced the five kingdom system of classification

47. Joseph _____ introduced the use of phenol (carbolic acid) as an antiseptic/disinfectant to prevent infection.

48. The scientific name of the organism may be derived from the ______ of the researcher that studied the organism.

50. Sites of ribosomal RNA synthesis in the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell.

51. Louis ______ performed experiments using “swan-necked” flasks to disprove spontaneous generation.

52. The scientific name Neisseria gonorrhea indicates the _______ produced by this organism.

53. Martinus _____ discovered the presence of filterable agents, viruses, capable of causing disease in tobacco plants.




Robert ____ introduced the use of agar to produce a solid medium and the inoculating needle (loop) to isolate or transfer an organism


The study of algae


Disease causing organisms


The genus name should always begin with a _____ letter


The study of fungi.


According to the Theory of ______ Generation living organisms arose from decaying nonliving materials.


Structure of viruses


The nuclear structure (body) in a prokaryotic cell is called the _____.


The second word in the scientific name of an organism that includes a group of identical organisms.


These microorganisms are obligate intracellular parasites


Single celled (and some multicellular) eukaryotic organisms capable of photosynthesis.


John ______developed the first medium (an infusion broth) for the cultivation of microorganisms.


The study of viruses.


Pasteur developed this method using heat to prevent the spoilage of wine.


The study of bacteria


This structure surrounds the nuclear material in a eukaryotic cell.


The scientific name Escherichia coli describes the organism’s _____.


Koch developed solid _______ for the isolation of bacteria.


Koch used a charred splinter of wood to transfer bacteria from a single colony; this is now called the _______ ____.


Chemical compound found in the cell walls of prokaryotic cells.


The study of the cause of a disease.


This kingdom contains organisms that are unicellular and multicellular, absorptive and eukaryotic.


Anton van ______ was the first to observe the presence of microscopic organisms


Pasteur introduced a method of prevention for this disease using dried spinal cord material removed from infected animals


Kingdom of organisms that includes algae, protozoans and slime molds


Koch’s _____ describe a set of experimental steps for relating a specific microbe to a specific disease.


Proteins associated with the DNA in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells


When written properly, the scientific name of an organism appears in _____.


Edward ______ used fluids from cowpox lesions as a vaccine to prevent small pox.


The species name should always begin with a _____ letter.


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